Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 News Sources

News has continued to change over the past years with the use of social media platforms. Personally, I gain most of my news from my phone rather than watching the TV at night when news stations are airing the top news stories of the day. 

Although TikTok is not the most credible or reliable source being a video social media platform, I tend to see a lot of my news by scrolling on the explore page. Random creators or news specialists will post about news and give their views and opinions on the topic in a quick 60-second to 3-minute video. There will be news anywhere from celebrity news, investigations, national news, current events, and elections throughout. The algorithm keeps track of which topic of news I interact with the most such as liking, commenting, or how long I view the video for, and will show me those types of videos more frequently. Usually, I keep up with current news, investigations and sometimes celebrity news. Even though it is not usually fact-checked news, if I am interested in a topic I will then go to Fox News or a more credible site and read the article there. 

Fox News is one of the largest news channels and is typically the news source that I tend to search if I am looking for current news stories. Their website is easy to use and includes the most current, up to date news and usually with video clips as well. I enjoy being able to read the article as well as watching the video clip from the live airing of the topic earlier in the day. When I am home, Fox News is playing on our TV and I can view up to date stories walking by or listening in the background. However, most of the time I am looking at Fox News on my phone or on my laptop. 

Instagram is the main social media platform that I view news stories. Whether it is political news, celebrity news or current news, Instagram has it. I follow Fox News and ENews on Instagram, meaning that their posts will show up on my feed as I scroll and I will always be up to date on what they post. Instagram also pushes accounts that are recommended, which means I will sometimes view news posts from other accounts I do not follow. The explore page recommended posts based on what content someone typically views.   

Another way I stay informed with up to date news is through my family and friends and this is the source most of my news comes from. My family typically has Fox News playing on TV throughout the day and when there is an important current news event, my dad will usually bring it up at dinner or send a link to an article our family text chain. This news is usually political, financial, global, or safety issues happening. When receiving news from family and friends, it tends to be based on what they know I will be interested in or know will stick with me. Talking and having in depth conversation about current news is a productive way to form my opinion and gain insight on the other person's views on the topic that I may not have thought about. When my friends update me on current news, it is usually celebrity news, social media, or an interesting investigation, all information that I would also see on TikTok or Instagram during my daily scrolls. 

Apple News is the least used news source out of all five as it is not as easily accessible as the others in my daily schedule. However, when I am on my laptop and am looking at notifications in the notification center, the apple news top stories is right below and I see the top articles of the day. I do not typically click on the article and read it in full, however after seeing the title I can decide if I want to learn more about the topic. 

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