Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Age of AI


AI is slowly taking over our world more than we may realize. It is taking over our minimum wage jobs, raising costs, and decreasing the amount of jobs that people need to survive. Most assume that it is making everyones lives easier having a machine or technology take over a task, however, it is compromising the job force. 

As mentioned in the video, even the starters of Google were able to hide the use of algorithms and information being tracked and watch for their gain of sales. Which should scare all of us with the use of AI and new technologies and social media platforms. All of our data is being taken, tracked, stored, and tailored to what they know what a certain person likes. We have lost all of the idea of privacy. 

The recent designs of AI in our homes, cars, and public areas has taken over our privacy. Alexa, the Amazon speaker that has built in artificial intelligence, listens to more than most people think. The questions and conversations that normal people have with their Alexa in their spaces is recorded and stored. Most of our society will say they don't care, they don't have anything to hide from the government, however, they do not understand the extent to what it tracks. 

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