Saturday, February 25, 2023

EOTO Presentation


One of the forms of technology and communication that I learned about from my classmates presentations was emoji's and emoticons. They are two different concepts and many people tend to get them confused with one another. 

Emoticons are glyphs used to represent a facial expression through a text or form of online communication. It was first used in 1982 by American computer scientist Scott Fahlman and he explained that :) means funny and :( means serious. When people started to catch on and begin to use them in texts or emails, there was controversy as to whether or not they were needed and if they were a lazy form of communicating with one another. 

Emoji's are digital pictograms that can portray all emotions, food, hand signals, clothing, animals, weather, actives, travel, flags, etc. There are over 3,600 emojis to exist. Emojis have been widely used on texting, emailing, and social media across all device types and were first started in Japan which then lead to Unicode standardizing them throughout the world and devices. 

There has been recent discussion regarding the effects of emojis in society and the digital world. Even though the faces on emoji's have the same interpretation worldwide, they can still be misunderstood in thee context of a message. They can come off sassy, angry, or sarcastic depending on the language used with them.  

Emoji's are often word replacers or they enhance a conversation. They can brighten a conversation and make it more casual. I believe the invention of emoji's and emoticons was a step in the technology world, it lead to personality in texting and online communication. I can see the negative downsides such as miscommunication with both forms because someone can have a harsh conversation yet go and use a sarcastic emoji, which in turn will lead to confusion and disagreement. 

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