Monday, January 30, 2023

EOTO Technology - Instagram



The technology that I researched was the history of Instagram. The image above symbolized the history of the IG logo from when IG was first created in 2010, to the present day logo. 

Instagram was founded on October 6th, 2010 by CEO Kevin Systrom and his college friend Krieger who helped build the app. Systrom had first created an app called Burbn which used a GPS system to inform others where they were and they noticed that most people used the photo share feature. This is when the two college friends decided to go in and make Instagram = instant and telegram. Instagram was like no other photo sharing app seen before, it included features such as commenting, captions, editing tools, and more. 

Everyone loved IG, not even 2 months after the launch there were already 1 million users and celebrities were quick to join the app. Within a year they reached 10 million users. People loved this app because it connected them to celebrities, singers, actors, and bloggers and others. It made people feel as if they had a special look into their lives and that they knew them on a personal basis. Two years later, Facebook bought Instagram on April 9th, 2012 for 1 billion. Companies began to realize the value and worth of this booming app and the business and revenue it could draw in to connect with customers. IG had keyword and SEO which connected the algorithm to people. 

Instagram certainly changed our world and the world of social media. It was the first instant photo and communication platform to exist. People could share what was gong on in their daily lives, fun moments, travels, family & friends, and more with everyone they were connected to. It has also had positive effects such as promoting activism when current events are happening. It has transformed the idea of marketing and advertising, it is no longer in newspapers, marketing is done via social media. Instagram has also built a new idea of jobs regarding influencers and content creators. Blogging turned into influencing which is also a new marketing strategy for companies. It is easier to promote a product on Instagram through a trusted creator than with a basic advertising photo. 

However, there are also multiple negative effects that Instagram has caused over the years. Some of these include social comparison, depression, negative body image, jealousy, and low self esteem. The main issue that we have seen is adolescent years and comparison to one another. Instagram is a highlight reel, meaning people post what they know people want to see, the good parts of their lives. They don't post the hard days that aren't pretty which leads to people thinking that celebrity they are following is perfect and has no problems. Comparison then leads to depression, anxiety and harmful ideas. 

Instagram has evolved throughout the past 13 years with the term communication. Not only has the app become more technological advanced with the addition of stories, DM'ing, and connecting and contacting easily, but also with the way our generation communicates. People are able to connect online like never before, have internet friends, and have a 6 figure career on Instagram alone. 

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