Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression


The fourth of the eight values of free expression is referred to as individual self fulfillment or self actualization. There are eight values of expression; marketplace of ideas, participation in self - government, stable change, individual self fulfillment, check on government power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. All values are ways in which society can express their thoughts and opinions without government interference. 

After reading individual self fulfillment and learning it is free speech that allows someone to define themselves and create their own personal identity, I can relate to this value the closest in my life. I started my own brand and image when I was a freshmen in college. I started working with brands as a content creator on Instagram and soon developed my own brand "company" and promoted it. I have been able to grow my trusted following and gain my personal image online throughout the years. I gained a community that engages with my opinion, values and trusts what I share. Social media is controlled by the social media platform themselves, not the government meaning I can post what I want with free speech. I mainly use Instagram and TikTok to promote the fashion companies that I work for and leverage my brand, making it easy for my target audience to find me. I do not have to worry that the government is going to restrict what I post online, post on social media, or how I build my own identity. Each one of us has the freedom to become who we want and build the reputation we want. This also promotes talks regarding opinions, views, things we like and don't like, agree and don't agree on, we are able to think how we want and show it as well, which is freedom that many other countries are not allowed. Even though all social media has its freedoms, there is also a lot of hate speech, bullying, and comparison on every platform which comes along with individual self fulfillment. We can all make our own presence and identity, including on a platform, however that comes along with getting negative feedback that will build character. 

Self actualization is the top or most important value in my opinion. Everyone is allowed the opportunity to become the person they want to be, fulfill their personal goals, growth and needs, and think for themselves. Everyone deserves the respect to speak what they want when they want and become who they want without being stopped, punished, and silenced. 

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