Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Progressive Era


After looking through both and The American Conservative I can tell why they are not mainstream media news outlets. The AntiWar site almost looks fake as it does not look as put together as others and it can be interpreted as messy and misinformation. 

However, this is not how it should work. News sources should not be silenced by the government because it is not information that goes against what we are told we should believe. What the main news sources such as Fox News, CNN, etc. are covering is not what these websites are covering. The government is trying to regulate what information is "allowed" to be seen, just as they are censoring information on social media platforms. Regarding Twitter before it was rebought, the government was taking down any content that went against what we are told to believe and only tried showing the public accounts that benefited their views. Thee government is trying to regulate information based on their opinion, which I do not believe is fair in anyway. The USA is based around the freedom we have including freedom of speech. However, I do not see how punishing other views, opinions, and facts is giving us our freedom of speech. 

These websites are speaking on real world issues that should not be silenced. I have never heard of them, my family has never talked about them, and they are not websites that will show up on google search right away. They want their information and opinion to be reachable, however the government is controlling and wants to keep the power that they have to shift our opinions they want. In my opinion I do not think this is right and goes against our First Amendment rights, websites like these should not be punished or banned just as Twitter accounts have. 

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