Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Diffusion of Innovations


As I discussed in my EOTO presentation, I looked into the history of Instagram as it has changed our world in communication and relationships. The diffusion of innovations is a concept that how, why, and the speed of new concepts especially through technology. Our world is ever changing with recents inventions of technology and communication, there will always be a new idea being tested. 

The innovation of social media platforms has spread like wildfire in the past 13 years. However, not everyone adapted to this communication change. Generation Z were the early adaptors to catch onto the trend due to the fact that they were growing up when the introduction of the iphone, ipod, ipad and smartphones that are readily available. Facebook started out with everyone joining, however then over the years it has transitioned to the older generations and parents and grandparents of the generations z's. Instagram, snapchat, and the recent invention of TikTok is for the younger generations. Some people may make the choice not to join these platforms due to lack of interest, not relatable to their life, they don't have time, or they would rather be present than on a phone. In order to weigh whether the pro's vs the con's are worth the new communication technology such as Instagram, someone has to inwardly think if their life will be better because of it such as keeping up with family and friends, learning new trends, following celebrities or it would be negative due to comparison, wasted time, etc. 

The innovation of TikTok has been recently controversial. Many were quick adaptors to the technology, and then they spread the interest to friends / family and persuasion was included. Especially in younger generations, the five stages of adaption process are run through quick. Persuasion and implementation happens quick, which then leads to addiction which can be a negative consequence. Overall, the diffusion theory is important in the way technology communication evolves. 

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